What is a Guardian Ad Litem?
When we hear a client tell us about a situation or how things are going at home, particularly in a child custody case, we want to believe you. However, the court will need evidence and that is when a Guardian Ad Litem ("GAL") may be appointed. At the Law Office of Robert W. Kovacs, Jr., we can help you understand the role of a GAL, what he or she may look for and whether it is likely that one may be appointed in your case.
Essentially, the GAL is an investigator. The GAL gathers information and applies the law in order to make determinations or findings about the child's living situation, relationships and about a parent's abilities to be a proper caregiver. He or she will conduct interviews and make written findings for the court. These findings help the judge to understand the situation and ultimately devise a plan that is in the child's best interests.
Speak to Attorney Carbone, an experienced family lawyer, in our office today!